Our Mission

As men, we go through three main phases in life.

When we're young, we are consumers. We take it all in. We learn language and skills. We test our abilities. We test our relationships. We find what we enjoy in life and begin to plan for a future.

When we finish school and start our careers, we become builders. We build relationships, careers, families, interests and retirement funds. For good or bad, we train our kids to be versions of ourselves. We hope they don't make the same mistakes, yet we also see how those mistakes shaped us and deepened our faith in God. We struggle to pay the bills, we struggle to handle the pressures of life. We struggle to stay faithful in marriage. We struggle to know God.

Somewhere in this phase we realize we need to stop pursuing God on our own terms and start following Him on His terms.

God made men to do more than consume and build. God also made men to lead others through life and ultimately to Christ. Our third phase of life is to be givers. A man's life takes on true meaning in the passing on of learned wisdom to other men. Jesus said, "Greater love has no man than this: to lay his life down for another". We think of that as dying for someone, as Jesus died for us. It also means that we are to pour our lives into another man, guide him, coach him and strengthen his walk with the Lord.

Our Mission is to equip men to grow mature in Christ and mentor others to do the same. Discipleship is a team sport. Join the team today!